Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mothers Day Weekend

So, what did you do this weekend?  Even though us Mothers have a day just for us, we know that our Mom duties don’t stop for the occasion.  The same goes for Fathers Day.  We had a busy weekend.
On Saturday we went to a plant sale to support our local library. There was so much great stuff.  I was in plant heaven!


We then came home to a large project.  We had to put up 300 feet of field fencing through a labyrinth of sticker bushes. Our critters have finally eaten their way out of the wooded portion of our farm after two years. We had to cut-up the downed trees and hack through a lot of brush, but we got it done. We had one minor accident with me hitting my husband in the back of the head with a T-post , but he's here to talk about it.

On Mothers day I woke up to breakfast in bed. My Daughter ( with the help of my husband) cooked a really good eggs Benedict. It had heart shaped eggs, Canadian bacon, tomato, grilled onion, avocado and of course hollandaise sauce!!! TASTY!
Later that day I had to take our Daughter to the Doctor to get a brace on her ankle. There’s nothing like going to the Doctor’s office on a Sunday afternoon on Mothers Day.


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