Over the past year I have gotten my husband to be O.K. with adding a bee hive to the farm. We put the hive in our garden. I bought the bees from Trees and Bees and the Honey and Hive Company put the hive in for me. Over the summer the H&H Co. will teach me how to take care of the hive. Here is the process.
The bee's arrived in the back of a car. One box will be put in our hive. The other 4 are going to a CSA down the street.
Pulling the Queen bee out of the box.
The Queen is shipped in a wood and wire box. There is a wood plug at one end. You replace the wood plug with a marshmallow then put the box in the hive. The other bees will eat through the marshmallow to release the queen.
At this point the bees are mad. They are flying everywhere.
A little fact:: Bees don't poop where they live. ( I wish my dog knew that). The brown line on the fence is bee poop.
Home sweet home!
Yay for BEES! Send H&H over, I want some bees too!