Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shearing Day

Who would of known that finding a shearer on the eastside of the mountains would be so hard! It took me weeks of searching and phone calls to find a person who would come out and shear my two girls!  But I have to say the wait was worth it. Amy Wolf ( great name don't you think, Wolf in sheep's clothing! )  came out and sheared my sheep and did an awesome job! I learned so much from her.  Thank you Amy!

I swear this doesn't hurt them.

 I love the colors. Baby Doll sheep are either  black or white when they are born. As they get older the black color fades.

 Sweet  face. She took it very well!!

Sugar wasn't as easy. She fought it the whole way.

Sugars fleece drying out. Its been such a wet year in the northwest.

This is licorice's fleece drying out on my loom- which once was my Grandmothers. I feel lucky to have it.  Now I need to learn to use it.

1 comment:

  1. Had a wonderful time watching your sheep get sheared, thanks for inviting me. Amy did an awesome job and was full of great info! Look at your lovely fleeces!!!! So exciting!
